Monday, July 11, 2011

Who am I and what authority do I have to blog about sex and the culinary arts?

It’s no secret that I’m fond of food and company. I’d much rather go hungry than to not share my meal. As the social element of dining is crucial for me, the pinnacle of social interaction, love-making, is only a natural accompaniment, thus the tongue-in-cheek title.

Who am I and what authority do I have to blog about this? I am no one special, and I have no authority. I am an early 30-something family guy who practices high-stakes medicine and researches cancer in the field of pharmacogenomics. I live in a southern US coastal city and prefer dogs to cats. I’ve never seriously considered myself a chef but enjoy preparing food. I won’t pretend to approximate the skill of professionals. Indeed, I have “taken liberties” with their work. These are simply a collection of very memorable experiences that were modified to my taste and expectations – not necessarily better but changed to my liking.

Will these combinations of ingredients get you laid? Each of them has worked for me. Also, it’s statistically/biologically plausible. Fellas, women are particularly sensitive to smell, taste, texture, and presentation of food. A satisfying meal causes release of dopamine (brain’s happy chemical) associated with reward (orgasm). Chocolate is especially potent. Ladies, you’ve got to be kidding – just warm up some leftovers if it makes you feel better. All you really need to do is show some cleavage; we’ll do the rest. Although our behaviors are very different, the dopamine hypothesis does apply to guys, as well. Furthermore, if you shunt blood away from the periphery to digest food, then more blood is available for autonomic functions (part of the nervous associated with getting it on) especially augmenting male preparedness for “being social.”

But will you get lucky? To really answer that question: your partner is most appreciative of the effort that you put into carefully preparing a meal or treats for his/her enjoyment. It’s even better if you both can participate in the process as it is a marvelous way to get to know one another. This should be reserved for simpler recipes like the first to be posted. Speaking from experience, my wife and I had self-inflicted the “lasagna test” which questioned our overall compatibility as a couple. If the two of you can make complex lasagna from scratch, then you should probably marry.

I hope you enjoy this blog and find it useful.
Chef Bafo!


  1. Looking forward to reading your posts.

  2. Great blog, how can I contact you to discuss possible media?

  3. Thanks, guys! (Anonymous, I'll find you)
